[Enquiries@techwyns.com | Contact: 4253012760]
TechWyns Welcomes you all!
We will make sure that you get every benefit from our CTO consulting services with CTO-led research and development, competent strategizing, and expert supervision, so you can enjoy technical excellence, with risks mitigated and costs optimized.
Management Team
As of March 30, 2021
Board of Directors
President and CEO
Chimezie Fletch
and Vice Chairman
Sue Ndi
Nene Fletcher
Group Executive Vice President
Lizzy Gbadebo
Deji Ola
Sarah M.Roberts
Takashi Murai
- Outside directors stipulated under Companies Act
- Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member stipulated under Companies Act
What we offer?
We will schedule a video call with you to understand your business context and technology challenges. Together we will decide on an appropriate engagement model for one of our CTO partners after exploring the pros and cons. At this point, we would also ask about any preferences in terms of culture fit.
Once we understand the context and challenges ahead, we will get together our CTO panel to understand who would be the best positioned to take the role based on domain knowledge, skillset and relevant experience. Also, we will broadly discuss "the plan of attack", and then the appointed CTO partner will work on the detailed estimation.
Once we agree on the scope of work, engagement model and particular CTO candidature, our legal department will do the necessary paperwork, and the engagement will start. You will define the ways of working and reporting lines with your selected CTO based on your unique context and challenges. Our CTO partners and management team are always open to adjusting the initial plan if needed to maximise the value for your business.
Once the engagement ends, we will review the outcomes and provide final recommendations for the next steps. The complete handover process will include responsibilities, documentation, contacts and anything else you might require to continue without us. Your CTO will be available for ad-hoc consultations and support for the next six months after the engagement ends.
Why choose our Hosting?
Reduced operational risksOptimized development costs
Possibilities for rapid business growth
Satisfied investors and executives
With a reliable strategy covering risk prevention and mitigation procedures, you can be confident about delivering a quality product even on a tight scheduleA thought-out strategy, a scalable architecture, and robust technology leadership save project budgets, making our CTO as a Service offering an investment with fast ROIWith business and technical issues clarified by an experienced virtual CTO, you could pave the way for faster product evolution and expansionWith long-term financial planning and a clear vision of your product’s growth, you can be sure about getting support from investors and executives.
Choose the best Hosting and IT Support Plan
100 GB Storage, 1 Sub Domain, 3 Email Account, 24/7 Support, Control Panel, 100 GB Storage, 1 Sub Domain,
3 Email Account, 24/7 Support, Control Panel, 100 GB Storage, 1 Sub Domain, 3 Email Account, 24/7 Support, Control Panel
Next Generation VPS
Instant provisioning
Automated upgrades
Guaranteed resources
Control panel included
Starting at $82.26/month*
Performance of VPS Hosting
Guaranteed resources
Instant provisioning
Control panel included
Automated upgrades
Starting at $61.68/month*
More Effective VPS hosting
Control panel included
Guaranteed resources
Automated upgrades
Instant provisioning
Starting at $72.23/month*
VPS Hosting Maintenance
Control panel included
Automated upgrades
Instant provisioning
Guaranteed resources